☀️ How 4 Kids Survived the Jungle

PLUS: Woman Is Reunited With Her Cat, 11 Years Later(!)

Inhale the present, exhale the past.

Now let your breath guide you back to the present moment where peace and mindfulness reside.

Thank you for reading today’s edition of Grateful Gazette 💜

Here’s what to know for Thursday:

  • The missing children from a plane crash in the Amazon survived

  • Find out how this woman was reunited with her cat over a decade later

  • Getting outside does wonders for your mood


Talk about a miracle in the Amazon!

Four children —a baby, a toddler, a pre-teen, and a teenager—reportedly emerged alive and kicking from the maws of the wild Colombian jungle. They were on a plane that had a disastrous disagreement with gravity, but the kids weren't having any of it.

The plane was a Cessna 206, journeying from the depths of the Amazon to San José del Guaviare. Tragically, the adults on board, including their mother, didn't survive.

In this real-life drama, clues like a child's drinking bottle, a hair tie, and an improvised shelter kept the search teams hopeful. And rightfully so, as news from the field confirmed that the children were found by indigenous folks. These kids must have given a whole new meaning to the term "street-smart".

However, the armed forces have yet to lay their eyes on the kids, blaming the pesky weather and difficult terrain. But the president has already announced the good news.

There have been no updates since the first announcement.

So here we are, waiting for the final confirmation.

But remember, this tale is a testament to the power of hope and resilience. When life throws you into the jungle, you show life what you're made of.

Miracles do happen, folks!

🗞 More Good News

♻️ More senior citizens are taking up the call and supporting climate initiatives 

🥪 Free school lunches are guaranteed in Rhode Island thanks to a new bill

📖 Reading scores in the Deep South are starting to climb up and turn the corner

😳 Odd but Good: The first strippers union in a decade is set to form this week 

🧠 One man’s genetics may hold the clue to preventing Alzheimer’s

💡 Clean, Nuclear energy is making a comeback in a big way

☀️ The Bright Side

A rogue feral cat, a tireless volunteer, and a pet owner's decade-long mystery—this story has it all. 

Pam Hope, an Anderson County PAWS volunteer, normally traps, neuters, and releases feral cats. She ran into one particularly feisty feline she named "Princess," who turned out to be a pre-neutered, microchipped diva.

Hope called the number on the chip, and lo and behold, she reached Shari Diffenbach, whose cat "Swirl" had been AWOL for 11 long years.

Diffenbach, who was overwhelmed and emotional (who wouldn't be?), had lost Swirl while her sister was cat-sitting during her pet grooming school stint in Knoxville.

Swirl's return still brings Hope to the verge of tears on a bad day. 

For Hope, trapping cats isn't about love for the animals or population control. It's a tribute to her sister, a cat lover and recovering alcoholic.

As for Diffenbach, she's now the proud owner of "Swirl's Pet Grooming," and is thrilled to have her feline mystery solved.

Just goes to show, miracles come in small, sometimes fur-covered, packages.


Spending time outside is a great way to refresh your mindset and boost your energy. If you feel stuck right now, take the moment to get some air and look up at the sky.

Getting out in nature is one of the easiest forms of self-care. There are an abundance of benefits:

  • Reduce stress by shifting your focus

  • Get better sleep thanks to light exposure and fresh air (that’s proven)

  • Vitamin D plays a huge role in your body’s production of energy. The sun is the boost Vitamin D boost that you can’t find in a bottle.

  • You’re also getting active, which gets your blood flowing and promotes stress reduction

Go Out and Get Some Air

15 minutes. That’s all you need to get the most out of this.

Walk after dinner or use your lunch break. Just get outside. You’ll find inspiration for that big project you’re working on or reflect on a hard day and find a new perspective.

Time in nature is time well spent.

- Thank you for reading Grateful Gazette. Remember to breathe deeply to bring your mind back to your body 💜

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