☀️ Maui Treasures Are Restored

AND Inmates Get Cats

Inhale the present, exhale the past.

Now, let your breath guide you back to the present moment, where peace and mindfulness reside.

Thank you for reading today’s edition of Grateful Gazette 😌

Here’s what to know for Wednesday:

  • Maui jeweler lends a hand to their community

  • Officers help track down a Christmas gift

  • Inmates get a surprise visit from some furry friends


In the aftermath of devastating wildfires in Maui, a heartwarming story of resilience and community support has emerged. 

The fires ravaged Shelly Romo’s home. To find hope, she embarked on a mission to recover her cherished wedding ring amid the ruins. 

Wearing a hazmat suit and goggles, she and the volunteers searched tirelessly. After three grueling hours, they found the ring.

The diamond was intact, but the flames tarnished the band.

This discovery led Romo and her husband to No Ka 'Oi Jewelers in Maui. 

The owner, Omi Chamdi, had been offering free restoration for fire-damaged jewelry, a gesture of solidarity with those affected by the wildfires. 

This local business, known for its generosity, became a beacon of hope for many like Romo.

No Ka 'Oi has restored over 150 pieces, with 300 more in line

Chamdi, spared by the fires, felt compelled to help his community. He funds the meticulous restoration process, including polishing, lasering, soldering, and rhodium plating, out of his pocket. 

Chamdi emphasizes that these pieces are more than mere objects; they're precious links to the past, imbued with deep personal significance.

For Romo, recovering her wedding ring symbolized more than reclaiming a lost item. It represented a pivotal step in coming to terms with the loss of her home. 

It was a closure, a tangible connection to the life she and her family had built together.

In the face of loss and devastation, acts of kindness like Chamdi's shine brightly, offering hope and a sense of continuity amidst the chaos.

These restored treasures symbolize resilience and the enduring human spirit as the community rebuilds.

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🚲 Officers track down a bike that was stolen from an 11-year-old only after gifting him a new one for Christmas

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In Chile's largest prison, inmates share a special bond with the many cats that live there.

So, the staff initially intended for these cute companions to solve the rat problem. But over time, they have become much more than mere pest controllers! 

These feline friends offer comfort, affection, and a sense of responsibility.

One of the inmates, Carlos Nuñez, found a special connection with a tabby he named Feita, or Ugly. 

During his 14-year prison sentence, Nuñez discovered the joy of caring for something other than himself. 

Reinaldo Rodriguez finds comfort in his cat Chillona while serving a sentence until 2031. Chillona seems to sense his moods and offers him solace during this difficult time.

Plus, the beneficial impact of this relationship is backed by research. 

Beatriz Villafaina-Domínguez discovered that pairing inmates with animals can improve their social skills and empathy. She also sees the relationship between inmates and prison officials improving as a result.

Many inmates form deep bonds with their cats while they are in prison. 

In fact, they plan to take these feline companions with them once they are released.

Innovation only survives when people believe in their own ideas

Our world moves forward thanks in part to belief.

Belief in yourself, belief in your ideas, that power comes from within you and ignites innovation.

So go out and be open to creativity coming to you.

- Thank you for reading Grateful Gazette. Remember to breathe deeply to bring your mind back to your body 💜

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